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Holistic Nutrition

f your goal is nutritional balance, as your consultant I will guide you to select, prepare, and enjoy healthy and nutritious foods for yourself and your loved ones, while at the same time limiting the amount of toxic chemicals we unknowingly consume and learning to respect the Earth. If your goal is weight loss, cleaning up the diet by redesigning the contents of your pantries, refrigerators, and medicine cabinets may be a good start. As a Holistic Nutritionist, I will reveal the connection between the foods we eat and our mental state and energy levels.

What is Holistic Nutrition?

By definition, holistic nutrition, and by expansion, a holistic health approach, strives to bring balance to all aspects of a human being: physical, mental and emotional. The holistic view sees the human body as a whole unit with intricate systems that depend on one another to operate optimally and efficiently. At a fundamental level, holistic nutrition focuses on the biochemistry of the human body, and recognizes the importance of creating balance where imbalances exist.

Holistic nutrition uses various combinations of food and nutrients to help individuals achieve optimal mental, physical and emotional health. It can be used as a preventative health approach for the average person without any ailments or as a modality for healing or symptom management for people living with chronic illness or other medical conditions.

Food is the foundation of holistic nutrition. With an emphasis on quality ingredients, the holistic diet consists of organic, whole foods that are grown locally and enjoyed in-season. A key element of holistic eating is to incorporate foods that are nutrient-dense while avoiding foods that have been depleted of their nutrient content, such as processed foods or foods that have been degraded during growth and/or preparation.

Diet and nutrition have a profound impact on mental and physical health. The wrong food and lack of balanced nutrients can lead to many debilitating psychological and physical symptoms and degenerative health conditions. Holistic nutrition also recognizes that diversity among the population is as important as diversity in the diet. It takes into account a person’s heritage and biochemical individuality to formulate the optimal diet.

The Basics Holistic Nutrition

Although holistic nutrition is largely individualized, there are some basics that apply to all individuals who wish to follow a holistic nutritional plan. They include the following:

  • Eat whole foods in their natural state as much as possible.
  • All food should be organic as much as possible.
  • Avoid junk food and processed food.
  • No food with additives and preservatives.
  • Drink adequate amounts of pure water. Filtered and free of chlorine and other contaminants.
  • Avoid microwaves.
  • No genetically engineered food.
  • Address nutritional deficiencies.
The Benefits of Consulting a Holistic Nutritionist

Holistic nutrition focuses on eating whole foods, i.e. those found in nature, as a means of achieving a better overall state of health. Thus, consulting with an advisor who is versed in this field, a holistic nutritionist, can provide you with a number of benefits, including:

  • A tailored food plan: a nutrition strategy based on your personal preferences and lifestyle. In contrast to prescriptions that you take to the pharmacy and are solely responsible for their complete administration, this food plan includes communication and guidance, and encouragement, from your holistic nutritionist from start to finish.
  • An increase in energy: the body can more effectively break down whole foods into usable energy than it can with foods that have been manipulated, altered, or refined
  • An improvement in mood: many physical ailments can be tied to emotional stress (e.g. anger, anxiety, irritability) and as a result, people will often compensate or cope by turning to food, modifying your diet accordingly, in both the type and the quantity of food, can help eliminate these stresses and create a happier outlook and lifestyle.
  • Disease prevention: the immune system and the body’s ability to heal/repair itself are linked to nutrition; hence, making changes or improvements in what you eat can prevent an illness like Type 2 diabetes, reduce the potential of a second heart attack, and promote greater healing after an injury or trauma.
  • A long-term lifestyle model: many people have likely enjoyed temporary success with a diet plan but found that it became too restrictive over the long-term and thus the plan was scrapped; a holistic nutritionist creates a way-of-life model that includes direction on dietary choices and lifestyle modifications to improve your overall health.